We are proud to support Women in industry and through clear cultural evolution from what might have been considered a male dominated industry with some discriminatory behaviours, we are proud to have a business that confronted any gender bias and inequality and has a commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion throughout the organisation. This is reflected in our employees, their positions, and their value and contribution to the success of the business.

We are working on a new interactive game with the Catalyst Science Discovery Centre and Museum* called “CHEMPLOY”, highlighting different career opportunities in the Chemical Sector and with 50% of the personnel featured being female and occupying operational, project, and other managerial functions, it will exemplify our business structure and hopefully assist, educate, and entertain future employees to the sector.

Paul H. Jones I Managing Director

*The Catalyst Science Discovery Centre and Museum is a science and technology museum in Widnes, Halton, North-West England.